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11 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Cold Weather

By November 9, 2023No Comments

Frozen pipes, skidding tires, and soaring heating bills—winter brings a heap of challenges, but with the right preparation, you can dodge these annoyances. Please contact Bradford Turner Insurance Group in Cumming, Ga to review your home policy or get a quote for a new one before winter hits. Here’s how to winterize your home to enjoy the season to the fullest:

  1. Trim Tree Branches: Winter storms can drop branches on your roof, resulting in significant damage. Regularly prune overhanging branches and use a roof rake to clear fallen branches on the roof.


  1. Protect Exterior Spigots: Disconnect and drain garden hoses to prevent pipes behind spigots from bursting because of freezing water.


  1. Clear Rain Gutters: Clogged gutters can result in roof, foundation, and basement damage. Clean them before freezing temperatures hit to avoid expensive repairs.


  1. Insulate Exposed Pipes: Avoid burst pipes by wrapping insulation sleeves around pipes in unheated areas like attics and crawl spaces.


  1. Seal Gaps and Openings: Use caulk or weatherstripping on windows and doors to keep warmth in and cold out, saving energy and stopping exterior damage.


  1. Insulate Walls and Attics: Proper insulation ensures warmth, comfort, and energy savings. Inspect for leaks before you add any insulation.


  1. Wrap Your Water Heater: Older water heaters lose heat rapidly. Wrap them with an insulation blanket to reduce heat loss and save money on energy costs.


  1. Maintain the Fireplace: Schedule a chimney inspection to prevent chimney fires. Keep the damper closed when not in use to block heat loss.


  1. Reverse Ceiling Fan Blades: Rotate fan blades clockwise to push warm air down, keeping you cozy and comfortable during winter.


  1. Lawn Care: Aerate your lawn prior to the first frost to allow the soil to breathe. Once dormant, reduce traffic to avoid damaging the turfgrass crowns.


  1. Prepare for Storms: Invest in a generator for power outages, keep flashlights nearby, and ensure cell phones are charged before a storm hits.